Building New Dreams Through Build it Green

“Lebron James. I’ve never seen him play in real life, but I’ve studied him. Watched him. All through middle and high school. So, yeah… if I could have dinner with any famous person, it’d be Lebron James. Did you know that I was a basketball player? I love basketball… Yeah, and I had a scholarship and everything. I was supposed to play for Bryan College, but… I got into some trouble, and they pulled my scholarship. So, that kind of left me in Chattanooga to start over.”

When asked if he’d prefer that the interview focus on the Build it Green program and all that he’s accomplished or if he’d like to share the more personal reason as to why he joined, DeAngelo replied, “I’m open to telling my story. I want to encourage others that they can have a second chance, too.”

“I want to encourage others that they can have a second chance, too.”

DeAngelo grew up in the East Lake area in Chattanooga. The second oldest of four boys, he was a star basketball player at East Ridge High School and was awarded a full scholarship to college to play ball. However, one impulsive act quickly eliminated his game plan.

One night, he and some friends were involved in a high-speed chase with the police. When they were pulled over, DeAngelo panicked as he quickly saw his dreams of playing college basketball disappear. He decided to run, and his spur-of-the-moment decision failed him - as his worst fear was coming true. He was arrested and faced jail time. His scholarship was revoked. No scholarship. No college. No basketball. His lifelong dream had vanished. It was time to come up with a new plan.

He credits the green|spaces team for shifting the District Attorney’s decision from prison to probation. During his probation, he must get a job with Build it Green, keep his job, and stay out of trouble - which is exactly what DeAngelo did.

Build it Green (BIG) is green|spaces’ workforce development program that prepares young adults with untapped potential for careers in construction and energy service. Through a partnership between green|spaces and AmeriCorps Opportunity Youth Service Initiative, BIG aims to generate pathways out of poverty for young adults through job readiness training, community organizing, outreach training, and technical training in the green building field.

DeAngelo joined Build it Green at the age of 18. “When I first joined BIG, I felt welcomed. They brought me in like family and welcomed me with open arms. Dexter [Build it Green Program Director] pushes me to do better. He holds me accountable.” He started out as a Build it Green Team Member and, after one year, he was promoted to Team Lead. Since then, DeAngelo proved his work ethic, drive, and dedication to the Build it Green program and was promoted a third time to Project and Cohort Recruitment Lead.

 “When I first joined BIG, I felt welcomed. They brought me in like family and welcomed me with open arms.”

“I play a big role at BIG. I’m involved in almost every project because I’m one of the only ones who can drive the truck and trailer around to different projects. I’m the Team Lead so I’m in charge of assigning and sending the Team Members to different projects. I do weatherization to houses, build ramps, and know and understand Three Cubed, which is a partnership we have with the Healthy Home Association to help people with asthma. We go into their home and install an air monitoring system that tracks air quality. We then go around and look over their house to see if there’s any mold, water damage, rotten floors – anything that could trigger their asthma. We check back in every three months to see how things are going.”

During his probation, DeAngelo has learned many important life lessons through BIG - such as perseverance. “There were days when I didn’t want to get up and come to work – but I did. One project we built was a ramp for a couple because the husband had to have both legs amputated. We were on a time crunch because he was coming home from the hospital soon. We had to work in the rain to get it done – but that didn’t slow us down. It was hard. Very hard…but our team bonded through it, and we persevered. When we finished, they were so thankful. It made me feel good that I made that kind of an impact on somebody. I didn’t realize it – but it turned out to be one of my friend’s grandparents that we helped.”

 “It made me feel good that I made that kind of an impact on somebody.”

Although playing college basketball is no longer in his plans, DeAngelo has some amazing goals that he is planning to accomplish. “I’m going to get my CDL to become a truck driver. I would love to come back and work alongside Dexter and help others - like he helped me - and I’ll drive trucks on the side.”

DeAngelo is one of the many successes to come out of the Build it Green program. To learn more about Build it Green and how this impactful program works, click here.

Congratulations to DeAngelo and all of the BIG things he will accomplish!

Written by Elizabeth Robinson

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