Additional Resources

SLED (State and Local Energy Data) Tool: From the Department of Energy; collects state and municipal data such as local energy profiles and returns results on electricity generation, energy-efficiency data, renewable energy, etc.

reegle: Clean Energy Information Portal; a search engine specifically for renewable energy and energy efficiency

EnergyVortex: offers news, info, case studies, e-books, energy training & green jobs covering the energy management industry

Buildings Energy Data Book: Includes statistics on residential and commercial building energy consumption, and statistics related to construction, building technologies, and building characteristics

Tools and Models

EERE Building Energy Software Tools Directory: Provides information on 417 building software tools for evaluating energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainability in buildings

Whole Building Design Guide: Offers information on a variety of tools used in the building industry, including Code Compliance, Cost-Estimating, and Life-Cycle Costing/ Assessment

NREL: Includes models and tools to assess, analyze, and optimize renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies for your project

COMFEN: Tool designed to support the systematic evaluation of alternative fenestration systems for project-specific commercial building applications

eQuest: The Quick Energy Simulation Tool  

DesignBuilder: Software tool for checking building energy, carbon, lighting and comfort performance; for engineers, architects, and energy assessors

Simergy: Graphical user interface (GUI) for EnergyPlus, facilitating the cycles of analysis through all the stages of design

Integrated Environmental Solutions: Offers software, training, and consulting in helping businesses reduce the carbon emissions of buildings